Curiosity... the best way I can describe this lifestyle. We are very curious about how images translate from the live experience.
We find interest in some of the strangest situations! Dogs in costumes... yes we will shoot it, Lemurs, alligators, and kangaroos? You Bet! Sun deprived people dunking in ice water? Yep! we are probably there. Tom and Michelle or should it be Michelle and Tom? seems like another decision best left to Michelle, she is the smart one. Michelle is the brains, beauty, and the organized one of our unlikely union. Tom well, he clucks like a chicken- so that's good for making kids and grandparents smile... he makes a pretty good Santa, and is very experienced with cleaning his plate! We both have a flair for creating images, and sharing our passion to anyone who will listen.
Studio Work
Yes we have a studio, a large eclectic stash of props, is it fancy? Nope... not our style..
Each session deserves to have the studio morph to the shoot requirements. We somehow have been able to transform our space to suit our style. Boudoir, babies, seniors, couples, and even a unicycle a time or two.
Cameras are tools, did I mention I have a minor tool addiction? While we shoot mainly Canon, if it is a camera it interests me. Michelle is generous with her tolerance of my addiction and I might be seeing her develop a special place for cameras too!
We want to leave!!
Open road, different sunset everyday.....
Traveling together has been the most amazing experience. Waking at 3am to hike up a sand mountain for sunrise, to flying in 60 knot headwinds over open oceans with 40 foot swells, it is always an adventure! We are working diligently to make the best platform for other likeminded people.
The Plan
Building the infrastructure to facilitate our travel to add quality photo spots in each state, and vacation destinations. Yep, we want our cake, and want to eat it too! We know how frustrating it can be to arrive at a great destination and then struggle to find the bestphotospot, we hope you will follow along with us, it will be an adventure!